Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dane is Super Citizen!

Every month at Dane's school the teachers choose 1 or 2 kids from their class to be "Super Citizen" which means they have been kind of the outstanding kids for that month! Anyway--Daner got it last last month! It was a traumatizing day for me cause Mr. Akinaka forgot to tell us! I don't know how he forgot (I'll blame it on he's a typical man that forgets really important things)! So right after Nick took Dane to school he ran in the house and told me, so we jumped up as fast as we could and got to school before the assembly started! It's a big deal here too with balloons and leis and everything you can think of! I was on the verge of tears cause I had nothing for Dane, NOTHING! When I got to the school I had a couple friends there to watch their kids and niece get super citizen and I told them what happened while trying not to completely fall apart--well, they grabbed a couple extra leis they brought and gave them to me to put on Dane! The story ends with a really grateful mommy heart that had the extreme mad to sad to completely grateful all within 30 minutes! And Dane never knew that we didn't know--that was the best part! He loved it and we got to make a poster for his class and it's a big bumblebee transformer with his head on it...I'll don't have a picture of it yet, but I will! So Happy Super Citizen Day Dane!
He was so excited! I love this boy!

His T-ball friend Sia got it too! Cute kids!
I wanted some little naked pics of Max--He's such a darling little guy, so happy and fun! His naked body is adorable! I think he has his mommy's buns (mine are that cute naked too!
(ba haha)

Cute profile picture!

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